Thursday 11 April 2013

Easiest K-Pop dances!


Okay first- I'm sooooooo I haven't made a post for three days you see I was at the Atlantic ocean searching for a new type of fish and there was no Internet! Nah I'm just joking , but no joke; I was really bust D:
But here's another post finally! :D The Easiest Dances in Kpop. I wanna state that still I have missed alot as I don't know ALL Korean pop songs and the are NOT in ANY ranked order what so ever. ;)

Girls Generation's Visual Dreams-
This song is fairly easy for a beginner of learning K-pop Dances, so easy that I'm learning! It also has a fun robotic vibe tune and dance. It is something I'd definitely recommend listening to and learning the dance of it.

Ignoring the amount of breaks in it,this song its easy with normal do-able hand and leg movements. So no, you won't get stuck with those really hard moves .in most K-pop dances, that make you stare at it and rewind it again and again while putting on a confused.

2NE1 isn't known for having amazingly hard dances but this dance is probably one of the easiest, It has some sexy moves and then really simple ones so really it's a piece of cake.

2NE1 made it twice on this list! Let's face it most of their songs could probably all make it on this list. They have catchy songs but dance wise , easy peasy lemon squeasy.

It isn't exceptionally easy but it definitely very easy to remember and the moves aren't that hard too. It's a fun and easy dance that any beginner could do and enjoy.

Thank you for reading! Again I'm sorry I haven't wrote a new one for a few days I was really busy. Have a nice day and thanks for reading! - Candy xxx :)

Saturday 6 April 2013

Hardest Dances in K-pop?


First can I say, I'm sorry I didn't do a post for yesterday, I was kinda busy, but I do have a post for Today! And It's long so it'll make up for it!
Since in the K-pop industry dance is very important I want to show you some of the hardest dances, in MY opinion. I've tried some of them and all I can say is I respect all the people who can do these difficult dances. **Read***: These aren't in any order. Some of them are as hard as the other so it's not in ranks :) 

This dance is very much one of the hardest dances I have tried, EVER. It's combined from little minor moves in to one big move each. It's difficulty is Timing as you have to be very in time with the song and get the moves right or you will look like a person who just came out of a Mental Hospital -.-  It's not all about the moves but also the synchronisation of the dance which I tried with my friends we totally flopped. SHINee is know for their almost-impossible-to-perfect dances and one of the best group at synchronisation . 

One of K-pop's most legendary and talented groups, but they sadly broke up... but they still just as much as talent and they back then! The choreography is amazing and not to mention the unique Dragon Move that always will catch an eye. Also they have to do all the hard dancing while doing those high and long notes! We couldn't expect more from our K-pop Seniors.
A picture of the Dragon Move. :)

Infinite is not a very popular K-pop group but should be! They are very much recognized though as the dancers for the perfectly executed Scorpion Move which you need a very good body to do and is one of the main reasons this song is on this list of hardest dances.

- Infinite's scorpion dance live.

As a rookie group that just started last they CERTAINLY made their mark with the hard dance for MAMA their 1st/2nd/3rd Song ! (I'm not an Exotic , I don't exactly pay attention that much to them .) Also a different kind of song from K-pop :) 

Ahh, my first K-pop song and Group.. *Fangirls*. Obviously I am a Shawol by heart but I have tried my hardest no to be biased but this song made its own way on this list. Such a soft song with such a hard dance! 
I love every move, it's for sure very unique. 

Thank you for reading! ^.^- Candy
PS: I know there are a LOT of other songs but these are the ones I recognize the most and I of course won't know all of the others. :)

Thursday 4 April 2013

Something K-pop fans can relate too:


K-pop groups have weird English phrases in their songs and this picture is definitely the one to explain it :) See if you know know were all these sentences come from which song. - Candy

       -Photo From Tumblr

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Funniest Kpop Macros I've seen;


As we have launched this blog only a few days ago I wanted to start one of out first posts with something to make you laugh! All of these Macros come right from here . Most of these are of SHINee, they have the best :D - Candy